Friday, March 11, 2011


I have completely given up on keeping any kind of order or anything dry for that matter during bath time... The boys have so much fun in the tub that I just can't seem to break up the party.  They would seriously splash and giggle in the tub for hours if we would let them.  It makes me so excited for summer when we can let them loose in the pool in the back yard!  Here are a couple pictures from tub time last night.  Their new thing is "floating" and it is so cute, they just lay there until one of them moves a little then they go crazy splashing and laughing, it is like a who can hold still the longest game!
Noah and his Santa beard!


Lyndsey Lanphere said...

Adorable!!! That is great that they get along so well!!!

Sara W. said...

That is just adorable! Don't you just love having two boys? A built in best friend :)