Tuesday, December 16, 2008

Noah's Christmas List

My mom found this super cute T-shirt that is perfect for Noah this year!!
I think we have it all covered except the puppy, and he should probably just give up on that one!!

Monday, December 15, 2008

Snow Day!

Noah had his first day out in the snow yesterday. He did not get to stay out too long because it was snowing so hard and the wind was really howling but I think he really liked it (until he fell and bonked his head on the sidewalk). There were some kids down the street having a snowball fight and he was really interested and just wanted to stand and watch them. Here are some pictures from the big day! He looked a bit like Ralphie!!!

Getting all bundled up and ready!

Back in the warm house!

Sunday, December 14, 2008


Here's a picture of Noah's trip to see Santa the other night! He was really more interested in taking Santa's teddy bear and jingle bells and getting the heck out of there. He made the saddest face ever and cried when we had to give the teddy bear back to Santa. The pictures are not really great but we were not expecting too much!

Christmas Card

Monday, December 8, 2008


Noah has a major cold going on, the poor little man. It started on Saturday and just seems to keep going and going. His daddy thought we needed to capture the little guy in all his snotty and sneezy glory!!

Are you seriously going to take my picture right now???

Oh well, I might as well smile then!!

More small places

Noah loves to wedge himself into whatever little box or small area he can find. Here he is in one of my Christmas boxes, the best little Christmas present anyone could ask for!!

The Hair

We decided we might get Noah's hair cut after Christmas but for now it is all business in the front and all party in the back!

Friday, December 5, 2008

Happy Thanksgiving (late)

Here are a few pictures from Noah's big Thanksgiving weekend. We had two Thanksgivings this year, one Thursday at the Hacketts and another on Friday at the Lockes!! YUMMO, I was in turkey heaven!! Ryan and I were even able to sneak off for a date on Saturday (we figure we better get as many in as we can before Silas gets here)!

Ready for the Civil War! Go Ducks!!

Playing with Great Grammy's wheelchair,
another really cool thing in Noah's book!
Crazy man outside!

Monday, November 24, 2008

Bad at this...

I have been really bad about keeping this updated (again). Here are a few new pictures of Noah from the past couple weeks. He is still in desperate need of a haircut but we just can't seem to get up the courage to get it done. He is starting to talk a ton and is really mimicking everything we say. His new big words are upstairs, outside and all done! They don't come out exactly like we would say them but we know what he is trying to say.

Sunday, November 2, 2008

Noah the Pirate!

Here is a pictures of Noah in his pirate costume on Halloween! The hat did not stay on for too long but he wore the outfit all evening. He loved helping answer the door but got upset every time the kids would go away and we had to close the door again...

Friday, October 31, 2008

Feeding Myself!

Noah is really trying to learn to feed himself over the last couple weeks. The messes are HUGE but it sure does make for some good pictures...

Notice the bib is full of yogurt -

Pumpkin Patch!

Here are a some pictures from our trip to the pumpkin patch a few weekends ago. Noah had a blast crawling around in the dirt and trying to pick up all the huge pumpkins! We went to a place called Plumper's Pumpkin Patch and they had every pumpkin/Halloween activity imaginable. It will be so much fun to take the kids when they get a little older and are a little more into it!

Saturday, October 18, 2008

Too Cute!

These pictures are just too cute not to add...

Noah's Favorite Things!!

Here are some pictures of Noah and all of his favorite things, which include: A big cardboard box that he pushes around the house, a dump truck that he does not quite fit in (although he never gives up on trying), any little box or basket that he can fit into, cell phones (or anything that resembles a phone) and books. He is really obsessed with the box and uses it to get up onto the furniture and into everything.

Look mom, no hands!!

Friday, September 19, 2008

Big Brother!

Here are a few pictures of Noah in his Big Brother shirt that we used to tell everyone he is going to have a little brother or sister this spring! Love the drool and food on the face!

Wednesday, September 17, 2008

He's One!

I have been really bad about posting the past few weeks... Noah has had a very big couple of weeks! He had his one year check-up on his birthday and is a very big boy now! He weighed 26 lbs 2 oz (89%) and is 32.5 inches long (95%), he is also off the charts in head size again. He took a few steps over the weekend by himself, four in a row is the top count right now, so that is really exciting too! He had a blast at his birthday parties and is having so much fun playing with all his new toys, books, bikes, sporting equipment etc... Here are a few pictures from the big birthday.

Is anyone here yet???

That cupcake is good stuff!

OK, I'm done now, clean me up!

Noah going toy crazy...

But he loved the balloons the most!

Thursday, September 4, 2008

Nap Time

Here are a couple pictures from yesterday. Noah has started just laying down wherever he is when he gets tired. It is so sweet! He just kind of rolls around on the floor and snuggles with whatever he can get ahold of. If we are upstairs he will pull his blanket or George out of his crib and give them some snuggles too.

Almost birthday time!!

I can't believe that Noah's birthday is on Monday! The year has definitely flown by... Here are a few pictures from the last couple days. Noah seems to either have a cold or he has some serious teething going on. It might be the teeth, he usually gets a super runny nose when they come in so I am hoping that is all that is going on.

This one is actually from the Safeway Classic a couple weekends ago. He has dirt on his hand and does not like it... We stayed along the fairway of a long par five almost the whole time so we would not interrupt the players while they were hitting their shots. He was such a mess by the end of the day but I think he had fun playing in the grass and dirt. He also had his first huge chunk of watermelon and loved it (as you can see on his shirt).