Friday, March 2, 2012

Life tips from Noah -

Today was dentist day at Noah's school and he has been full of oral hygiene information along with some other random tips for Silas throughout the day...

"Silas, when you turn five you have to start flossing your teeth every day!"

"Silas, when you are a grown up you don't get to play with your Cozy Coupe anymore."

"Silas, did you know your teeth are going to fall out?"

"When you loose a tooth you put it under your pillow, not in this little box the dentist gave me."

"Silas, you need to keep your pants on or we'll all get pink eye."


1 comment:

Molly (mom of 3/wannabe runner) said...

hahahahaha! Did he watch Knocked Up at preschool? Love that kid!