Friday, October 29, 2010


We have a bit of a bedtime routine around here that seems to change night by night (if that makes sense)...  We always have pj time, tooth brushing, books, puzzles etc. but Noah is a wild card when it comes to his last hurrah of the evening before settling down.  Here are his usual options -

  1. Video games with daddy, usually racing or Mario.
  2. Football tackles - they pile all of the pretty pillows off our bed onto the middle of our bedroom floor and Noah runs with the football and then gets tackled.  He pretends that he is a 49er and that he is playing football on the TV (very cute).
  3. Hallway Runs - He and Silas run from Noah's room down the hallway and into our closet with their blankets or trucks.  This gets a little crazy and usually ends up with a lot of tackles or a bonked head along the way.
  4. Boat Rides - This is a new one, Ryan attaches a rope to one of my laundry baskets and pulls them through the dark dining room passage and around treasure island in the kitchen, very cool!
Going for a boat ride!
Racing with Daddy!

LOVE that smile!!!
A very rare treat to catch it with the camera!!

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