Monday, April 5, 2010

School Day

Today was Noah's first day of school!!! We decided it is time for him to go just a couple days a week to get out of the house and around some other kids on a regular basis. The plan is for him to go on Mondays and Thursdays for a few hours... He lasted about an hour and a half today before they called me to come get him. They said he was fine for the first 20 minutes but then started crying and saying he wanted his mama :( Apparently the crying did not stop him from running around and playing, he was just bawling while he was doing it, double sad face! I talked to his teacher about it and she said we'll just keep trying and because it is his first time away from home it could take him a few weeks to get adjusted. So I guess we'll try again later this week and hope he calms down a little better next time! His teacher was really impressed with how well he knows his colors, shapes and letters so that was cool!

Ready to go! He was really excited about it when we left the house. We've been talking about school for the past couple weeks trying to get him ready for it!
Lunch was packed although he did not make it until lunch time, oh well! Maybe next time!
Giving daddy bye bye hugs!

p.s. The big red blotch on his chin is road rash from Silas's new slide. Noah took a header and scraped all the skin off his chin, it looks super painful but does not seem to be bothering him too much.

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