Tuesday, February 2, 2010

Big changes around here!

We are making some big changes around here in our routines... Silas has decided he does not want to nurse anymore. He has never taken a bottle so he is learning how to drink from a cup really fast and it has been a bit of a challenge! We have also decided that he needs to start sleeping through the night so we are really working hard on that one too! The poor little guy has a lot going on but has been plugging along like a champ! We have also mandated a 6:00 family dinner time every night. We'll see how long this lasts but we really want Noah to start eating what we eat and it seems like having a set dinner time is going to be a huge help with that (keeping my fingers crossed anyway)! I have been trying to cook more healthy dinners and have made it my goal to try at least one new recipe per week, last nights new recipe was Citrus Garlic Shrimp and it was delicious! We could not get Noah to try the shrimp but he did eat an entire peanut butter/honey sandwich and lots of carrots so I'll take that for now!

Here are a couple pictures of the boys from this morning, love those eyes!

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