Saturday, May 26, 2012

Poop & Yoshi

Silas finally pooped in the toilet!!  It may have been about a month ago and he hasn't done it since but it did happen (once)...  I had promised Silas that he could have a snuggle Yoshi to go with snuggle Mario once he pooped in the toilet with the idea that once he actually did it he would realize how much easier it was than the diaper situation and would want to start using the toilet (with smaller forms of bribery, like Noah did :)  HA HA!!!!  After the Yoshi conversation Silas charged in the bathroom and pooped, ensuring that he would have his Yoshi doll before bedtime.  We clapped, we cheered, we had a photo shoot with Yoshi, Mario & Silas and I went to bed thinking "hallelujah, this is finally happening, no more diapers!"  HA!
Don't get me wrong he has does pee in the toilet occasionally (usually a bedtime stall tactic) and has tried to poop a time or two since but for the most part he wants nothing to do with the toilet.  We have offered up all forms of bribery and he could care less.  He has his Yoshi and is not interested in anything else we have to offer at this point...
Oh well, sooner or later it will happen (hopefully sooner)!  On the plus side, I did get some pretty adorable pics of Silas with Yoshi and Mario!
Mario and Yoshi were talking to each other!
(a very regular occurrence now, they even have
their own special voices)
He was so seriously excited, notice he has his Mario & Yoshi shirt
on for the occasion!  Who am I kidding, he usually has that
shirt on every single day :)
Seriously could this kid be any cuter?!?!?!

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