Tuesday, July 14, 2009

The mullet has been removed...

Noah had his first big boy haircut yesterday! We decided it was time after a lady at the grocery store told me my daughter has such beautiful hair...

Here are the before shots -

Yes, that is snot, he was absolutely hysterical for the last half of the haircut! Those ladies have a lot of patience! He looks like such a big boy now!!!

Doing a little bit better! We took him to the park to play after his traumatic experience at the salon.

1 comment:

shackett said...

I am so glad you took the before and after pictures. Just think of how freaked out he would have been if they didn't have that car for him to sit in!

We'll miss his adorable head of hair but I think it was time. After all, he is a big brother now.

Love Mayme