Saturday, May 28, 2011

Car Talk

Ryan just emailed me this conversation the boys had in the car yesterday and it made me laugh so hard I had to share!!  I am pretty sure our little Noah is an 80 year old trapped in a 3 year old body!

Noah: Silas, you are really into Thomas.

Silas: Yeah.

Noah: Why are you so into Thomas?

Silas: Because.

Noah: Probably because you are a toddler. Toddlers are really into trains.

Silas: Yeah.

Thursday, May 19, 2011

Farm Art

Here are all of Noah's art projects that he did in preparation for his field trip last week!  He is always so proud of his projects and loves to tell us how he did this or that all by himself!  He usually can't even wait until we get home before he starts ripping everything out of his backpack to show me!  Love it!!!!

This one is actually from his Mother's Day party!
One of the many fun projects Teacher Janelle set up for us to do together!

Friday, May 13, 2011

Field Trip

Noah had his first ever school field trip yesterday to the zoo!  They have been learning all about farm animals for the past few weeks so yesterday we all took a trip to the zoo to check them out.  Noah was pretty excited for the trip and that Silas and I got to come along too!  We met up with his teacher and classmates at the farm for a fun scavenger hunt and then set out to do some exploring and to take a ride on the train!
Marking the cows off our scavenger hunt checklist!
I wish I had a video of this, Silas is mooing like his life depends on it!

Teacher Janelle had fun prize bags for all the kids.  Noah had to
immediately bust out his bubbles!

So happy to ride the train!!!!

Silas took a little longer to warm up to the train.  This shocked me since
he is all about trains at home, for some reason the real thing scared him...
He ended up loving it but was pretty serious for the first half of the ride.

Wednesday, May 11, 2011

Cement Truck Jockey

Conversation while driving today -

Noah - Why does that guy want to drive a cement truck instead of a regular car?
Me - Because that is his job, he probably has a regular car at the cement truck place that he drives home every day.
Noah - Like Daddy?
Me - Well, Daddy just drives his car to work and stays at his desk instead of driving around all day.  He's a desk jockey (laughing a little)...
Noah - (laughing hysterically) I am a desk jockey too, because I like to eat my breakfast at the desk in the kitchen!  Silas is a table jockey because he eats his food at the table!  And that guy is a cement truck jockey!!!
Me - Exactly!

Very clever my little Noah!

Saturday, May 7, 2011

Bunk Beds

I can't believe I forgot to post Noah's bunk bed pics (thanks for the reminder Lyndsey)!!!  I started writing this post over a month ago and completely forgot about it...  Anyway, we finally broke down and got Noah his bunk bed and he has been in bed heaven ever since!  I will post more pictures of his room when I get it done.   When we asked him what he wanted to decorate his room with he said robots...  Robot stuff is hard to come by so it has been a slow process to get everything together for the room.  Here are a few pictures from his first night in his new bunk bed!  Big thank you to Daddy and Jason for putting this monster together!!  I love the fact that it is really the only piece of furniture needed in his room.  The inside of the bottom bunk has bookshelves on both sides for Noah to keep his treasures and books on, it cracks me up to see all of the random things that end up in there!

Love all the storage!  The steps each open and there is a gigantic trundle
drawer under the lower bunk too!  Half of it is still empty but I figure as he
gets bigger his clothes and everything will get bigger and fill the space!
Just a little excited! 
He totally shocked us and chose to sleep on the top the first night!
Goodnight Momma!
Apparently I was the only one nervous about him sleeping way up there!

Friday, May 6, 2011

Big Boy

I just have to add this picture of Silas because I love it!!!  He is posing in front of his big boy bed that he wants nothing to do with...  Now that Noah has his bunk beds we moved his old bed into Silas's room with hopes that he would be interested in leaving his crib in favor of the awesome big boy bed with super cool new car bedding but apparently Silas is pretty attached to that crib!!  We'll just have to keep trying!

Mother's Day Tea

Noah's class had a Mother's Day Tea party for all of us mom's yesterday.  The whole thing was absolutely  adorable!!  Noah had been pretty excited about it for a few weeks and was seriously pumped to have Momma and Silas hang out in his classroom for the party!  The kids sang us a song and then presented us with our gifts they had worked so hard on.  We had fun snacks while making a hand print project and necklaces together, very special day!
Noah's turn to deliver his gift!
*I totally forgot my camera so I had to use my phone, not the best pics ever*

Love that face!!!

The frame he made all by himself!!!

The front of my card!

And the inside where he signed his name!!!

Makeshift Easter

The weekend before Easter I got sick... Not just a little sick but the kind of sick where I seriously thought I was going to die sick.  A friend and I had taken our kids to Red Robin for lunch that day and so I assumed that, by the way it came on, I had food poisoning.  I was completely out of commission for almost four days and the entire time just kept thinking "thank God the boys did not eat whatever it was I ate."  WRONG, apparently I had the stomach flu and a few days later got to have my first experience of kids with the stomach flu.  I feel very fortunate that until that week I have never had to deal with the pukes or diaper diarrhea.  I think I did about 15 loads of laundry over a two day period.  Luckily the boys were pretty tough about all of it and bounced back within a couple days.  Apparently Noah was even bragging to his teacher that he puked on the kitchen table, floor and in his bed (awesome)!!  Poor Ryan felt like a ticking time bomb just waiting for the sickness to come his way and of course it did the day before Easter :(  I am not going to lie, I look forward to my mom's Easter dinner all year long and was crushed that we were going to miss it.  I had decided I would order in Easter dinners from Marie Calendars across the way but when I called around 5ish to place my order they said they stopped serving those at 2... Total devastation!!!  I ended up being the crazy lady in Freddy's at 6pm on Easter Sunday buying one of the remaining monstrous hams and all the fixins to whip up a last minute Easter dinner that I ate by myself  because it was not done until long after the boys were asleep and Ryan was definitely not ready for solid foods yet.  Oh well, my makeshift dinner hit the spot and there is always next year!!!
Even with all of the sickness around here the boys ended up having a great Easter.  We left a few carrots on the front porch for the Easter Bunny and in exchange for those the Easter Bunny left them some pretty awesome baskets and also hid lots of eggs all around the house!  They got pretty hopped up on lots of sugary sweets and ran crazy most of the day!
Seriously excited about his candy carrot!

Found one!

Easter Grass = Bad Idea

Seriously big mess,  I think I was picking up Easter Grass for a week!