Friday, September 19, 2008

Big Brother!

Here are a few pictures of Noah in his Big Brother shirt that we used to tell everyone he is going to have a little brother or sister this spring! Love the drool and food on the face!

Wednesday, September 17, 2008

He's One!

I have been really bad about posting the past few weeks... Noah has had a very big couple of weeks! He had his one year check-up on his birthday and is a very big boy now! He weighed 26 lbs 2 oz (89%) and is 32.5 inches long (95%), he is also off the charts in head size again. He took a few steps over the weekend by himself, four in a row is the top count right now, so that is really exciting too! He had a blast at his birthday parties and is having so much fun playing with all his new toys, books, bikes, sporting equipment etc... Here are a few pictures from the big birthday.

Is anyone here yet???

That cupcake is good stuff!

OK, I'm done now, clean me up!

Noah going toy crazy...

But he loved the balloons the most!

Thursday, September 4, 2008

Nap Time

Here are a couple pictures from yesterday. Noah has started just laying down wherever he is when he gets tired. It is so sweet! He just kind of rolls around on the floor and snuggles with whatever he can get ahold of. If we are upstairs he will pull his blanket or George out of his crib and give them some snuggles too.

Almost birthday time!!

I can't believe that Noah's birthday is on Monday! The year has definitely flown by... Here are a few pictures from the last couple days. Noah seems to either have a cold or he has some serious teething going on. It might be the teeth, he usually gets a super runny nose when they come in so I am hoping that is all that is going on.

This one is actually from the Safeway Classic a couple weekends ago. He has dirt on his hand and does not like it... We stayed along the fairway of a long par five almost the whole time so we would not interrupt the players while they were hitting their shots. He was such a mess by the end of the day but I think he had fun playing in the grass and dirt. He also had his first huge chunk of watermelon and loved it (as you can see on his shirt).