Monday, June 30, 2008
Noah's 1st Trip to the Beach
We took Noah to Seaside on Saturday to get away from the hot weather here. It could not have been a nicer day at the coast, it was in the low 80's with little wind and not a cloud in the sky! We tried to get some good pictures on the beach but in most of them Noah is looking straight down at the sand or water. He loved stomping his feet around in the water and the sand did not seem to bother him (he did not even try to eat it)!
1st time on the sand!

Where did that water go?

Stomping with daddy!

Looking very concerned about something...
1st time on the sand!

Where did that water go?

Stomping with daddy!

Looking very concerned about something...

Pool Party
Noah had his first pool party last week with all his play group friends! He was not too sure about it at first but ended up having a blast! He fell on his face in the water a few times but came up smiling every time (as I was panicking). We have been going over to our neighborhood pool a lot but he had so much fun crawling around like a big boy in the kiddie pool!

Monday, June 23, 2008

Noah now has five teeth! He got three new teeth in the last three days. It is crazy how fast it happens, the fussiness, drooling and runny nose stopped almost instantly as soon as they were through. There is one more on the top that is super close but not quite there yet. Here are a few pictures from this weekend including a family picture (per your request Dana)!! Ryan had Noah's hair all spiked up on Sunday, it was super cute.
Thursday, June 19, 2008
New Pictures

Here are a few of our favorite pictures from the last week. Noah is a traveling man! His new favorite toys include the bar stools, kitchen chairs and the exercise ball. He pulls the bar stools down on top of himself continuously and drags the kitchen chairs along with him when he crawls. He has four teeth that look like they are about to come through and has been a drooling cranky mess. I am thinking one has poked through but he won't let me near it so we will just wait and see!
Sunday, June 15, 2008
Thursday, June 12, 2008
We have a crawler on our hands...
Heading straight for the outlets... (thank goodness for the covers)

Noah started crawling a couple days ago! Here are a few pictures of him in action. He also started clapping. We have been working on that one for a while and he finally figured it out. It is really funny because when he was first learning to feed himself we would clap when he got food in his mouth, but we stopped a while ago when he learned how to shovel the food in. He now has started clapping for himself after every bite so we all join in and its a big party at the table, its pretty cute!
Monday, June 9, 2008
9 Months Old

Noah had his 9 month check-up today, needless to say he is a BIG boy! He weighed 23 lbs 10 oz (90%) and is 31 inches long (above 95%). His doctor said everything looks great! Here is a picture of him in the car this morning going to his appointment and a super cute one Ryan took yesterday where he is actually grinning instead of making snotty nose face!
Sunday, June 8, 2008
Funny Face
Monday, June 2, 2008
Big Mover

If Noah could talk he would be yelling "Get in my belly"

Here are a few pictures from last weekend. Noah is so close to crawling, he keeps getting up on his hands and knees and rocking back and fourth! He seems to always get where he needs to go by rolling, scooting on his back or throwing himself forward from his hands and knees. He has also figured out how to get back into a sitting position from his tummy or back. Very big things! Needless to say he thinks he is pretty hot stuff!
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